The amazing benefits of music


Music is considered the universal language that can help us in difficult situations and some composers and musicians claim that music is a "universal panacea" and we can enjoy its amazing benefits throughout life.


How does music affect the brain?


Music, like any sound, reaches the ear in the form of sound waves. The outer ear collects sound waves, and the ear canal directs them to the eardrum. Here the waves hit the eardrum and they begin to vibrate. The vibrations are relayed and things start to get complicated.

I don't want to go into technical details but I want to be redirected with me to the moments when we listen to music and the way we feel, how we process the rhythm and how we interpret the emotional content of the music, how the music loud enough creates "column tingles". vertebrae ”and releases stimuli of pleasure.

Music can improve cognitive performance. Researchers say that listening to music helps organize the triggering of nerve cells in the right half of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher functions. Music acts as an "exercise" that warms selected brain cells, allowing them to process information more efficiently.

During the March edition of SIMPLU, I occasionally discussed the amazing benefits of music with my guest Annes, a Romanian pop / dance singer known for her released albums Good Angel (2002) and Addicted to You (2005) "Sunbeam" 2013.


Over time, Annes came to the audience with emotional songs with messages of love, connection and rediscovering a meaning through music. The SIMPLU edition with Annes was an edition full of sincerity, a dialogue between friends with information obtained from personal experiences.





Recent research has shown that listening to music improves our mental health and stimulates our physical health in surprising ways.


1. Music makes you happier


Music increases the level of happiness. As mentioned earlier, research has shown that when we listen to our favorite music, the brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter of "good mood."


Cheerful music can make people of all ages feel happy, energetic and alert, and music even plays a role in raising the mood of people with depressive illnesses.


Researchers have also shown that music can help patients with depressive or anxiety symptoms depending on the type of music. Meditative and classical music raises people's morale, while techno and heavy metal music causes them even more negative states.

Annes pointed out these benefits, telling concretely what songs she listens to depending on her condition, at what time intervals, and how music was helpful at the beginning of the pandemic when she restricted her activities.


2. Music helps you sleep better


A 2006 study of 60 adults with chronic pain found that music was able to reduce pain, depression and disability. And a 2009 meta-analysis found that music-assisted relaxation can improve sleep quality in patients with sleep disorders.


To stay calm after a busy day I listen to music. There are evenings when I fall asleep with music on headphones of different frequencies (a simple search on YouTube finds thousands of such songs). Among my favorites is this musical sequence.



What are your favorite songs for the pre-sleep period?


3. Music relieves your pain


Slow or meditative music produces a relaxing effect, faster tempos produce arousal, the heart rate being directly influenced.

Music can relieve pain, it can be the friend you need when a loved one leaves your life.


4. Music increases academic performance


Researchers have found that music can help you learn and retain information better. Many lessons during college were held to the beat of music.




If you want to know how you feel, check your breath.

Breathing is the energy of life. When you restrict or change your breathing, you decrease the energy of life. The sensation of agitation and indecision is accompanied by shallow breathing. What can you do in such situations?

Give yourself time to make friends with your breath.

By observing the breath we get a correct picture of the moment we are in and thus we can bring balance in the way we feel.

Be one with the breath!

Be present with every breath, for the whole duration! You will also notice a short pause between inspiration and expiration. Keep up the good work.


I invite you to watch the show Simplu with my guest Raisa Moscviciov, a young artist with great plans:





I invite you to leave me a message with the benefits that music has brought to your life.

If you need to train your well-being and need help, do not hesitate to contact me at

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He lives in the present. Create your success. Be grateful.

See you on facebook and instagram, #traiesteviataacum

Photo source: pixabay, personal gallery