"Writing may be a solitary activity, but it is by no means a selfish activity." Liviana Ţane
I love stories since I know myself, I have vivid memories with me during the summer holidays and the books I read, and it's impossible not to have at least one book in the bag I take with me everywhere. I haven't turned this passion into a career (at least not now), but I know people who have done this, moreover, gone to business and support their family.
Liviana Ţane is one of the people who loves stories, writing, is a journalist with over 15 years of experience in television, coordinator of campaigns and special projects, writer, founder and publisher of The Writing Journey or screams with books as she is known by a great part of us. She was my guest in July on the show SIMPLU on Channel 33. We talked about stories, about books, about what comes out of the pen, about writing between expression and healing, but also about the joys of writers.
Who do we write for when we do it?
We can say that we write for our best friend, we write to inspire, to help, but most of the time we write for ourselves, and I think we write to heal even if we don't realize most of the time.
"Writing is about a very intimate area, because we write about ourselves. And we are afraid of being judged, evaluated, compared. So we lock ourselves in the shell and, many times, absolutely fabulous ideas and great stories remain unspoken for fear that they might not like it. ” Liviana Ţane The Writing Journey
We can say that we write for our best friend, we write to inspire, to help, but most of the time we write for ourselves, and I think we write to heal even if we don't realize most of the time.
Writing means organization, training, a lot of work, adaptation, it does not belong to a special power. Writing can be healing if you go to areas with wounds that need to be healed, it can mean self-knowledge or "the most effective listening exercise."
"We write for ourselves, it's liberating but it's just raw material."
“Writing is a great negotiation between the personal ego and the gift you make to the reader. "
If you want to watch passages from the edition of Simplu about writing, expression, healing, I leave you the link of the show below. You will also discover two book authors who answered my questions about writing and the joys of writers:
I urge you to write and see what a text on paper turns into. What states come to the surface, what joys gathered?
He lives in the present. Create your success. Be grateful.
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